Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Blog #10: Course Evaluation

Well here we are almost at the end. For this last blog I would love to get some feedback on the class. What did you like? What didn't you like? What would you change? What would make the class better or more interesting? I would love to hear any and all recommendations. Thanks for a great semester! Please submit your comments by April 18.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Blog #9: The Query Letter

Part of the challenge of being a writer is to sell your work--being published is what it is all about. While many of you will be writing specifically for your employer, others will have the opportunity to freelance their work. The key is to successfully pitch your ideas via the query letter--a skill every writer should possess. For this blog I want you to pick one of your stories from this class. I have given you a packet of readings to help with this. Please read through them and follow their examples. Tell me which article you've picked and the publication you've chosen to target. What will be the angle you will use to hook the editor? Please explain.

Due: April 7@ 5 p.m.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Blog #8: The Trend Article

Please read "Writing the Trend Article." This will be your last major article that you will produce for me--it should be your journalistic "tour de force." For this assignment we crossover from the softer features to the more investigative side of feature writing or enterprise journalism. For this assignment, you will need to identifying a trend or issue that warrants further, in-depth investigation. You will use all the reporting and writing skills that you have mastered to this point.

For today's blog I want you to expand on your ideas that were shared in class. Please describe what the story will be about and describe the focus of your nut graph. What makes this a significant trend/issue, what is its magnitude and scope, and why might it be of interest to local readers. Next, identify the types of expert sources you will use for this story--it should include several--and why they were chosen and how you intend to contact them.


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Blog #7: The Travel/Seasonal Article

Please begin by reading "Travel and Seasonal Articles." I given you quite a bit of information here to help you. Your next assignment will be to write a travel/seasonal article. I want you to definitely write something that you will try to freelance. The readings identify five different types of travel articles and then offer some suggestions for seasonal pieces. I would like you to use this blog to pick a couple of these and pitch at least three story ideas. For the sake of simplicity, I suggest you consider ideas that are local, regional, and within your ability to visit and experience first-hand. I also want you to think of ideas for art that would accompany your stories.

Due: Feb. 24 @ 5 p.m.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Blog #6: The "How-To" Article (How to do it...)

Please read "Writing the How-To article" and "Your 1st spring triathlon plan." Your next article assignment is going to be a "how-to" piece and you need to start coming up with ideas. In addition to the topic, think about how you would package the article (side bars? graphics?).

So for this blog, please share with us two of your ideas. Describe the story and pitch it to us. Tell us how you would package it. Also, start to think about the publication(s) you might pitch this to. Why would they be interested? How might it fit what they do?

Due: Feb. 10 @ 5 p.m.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Blog #5: Polishing the Profile

Just a reminder, your personality profile is due Feb. 9 @ 5 p.m.

Take a moment to read the Billy Mills profile. Think about how it might inspire you or how you might use something you learning from the writing style to help you with your own article.

For today's blog you have a couple of options: 1) you can submit an early draft of your article for me to look over and provide some feedback, or 2) you can give an update on how things are progressing, focusing on any area where you could use my help. Tell me about any problems you are having. Tell me about things that are going well.

Please use me as much as possible to help you with this assignment.

This blog is due Feb. 1 at 5 p.m.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Blog #4: Capturing the Reader

Read “Capturing the Reader” and “Game of Her Life” (if you have not read it by now). You should be able to tell me something about the personality profile you are writing. Please describe who this person is, why they are newsworthy, and the angle you are taking on this story? How will you hook the reader? Share a passage of your article that you have written and discuss what you were trying to convey and why you like it. What makes it good prose? I want you guys to read each other’s blogs and be prepared to share your feelings and offer help to your classmates in class.

Due: Jan. 27 at 5 p.m.