Sunday, February 22, 2015

Blog #7: The Travel/Seasonal Article

Please begin by reading "Travel and Seasonal Articles." I given you quite a bit of information here to help you. Your next assignment will be to write a travel/seasonal article. I want you to definitely write something that you will try to freelance. The readings identify five different types of travel articles and then offer some suggestions for seasonal pieces. I would like you to use this blog to pick a couple of these and pitch at least three story ideas. For the sake of simplicity, I suggest you consider ideas that are local, regional, and within your ability to visit and experience first-hand. I also want you to think of ideas for art that would accompany your stories.

Due: Feb. 24 @ 5 p.m.


  1. For the destination category, I think it would be interesting to do an article about the things to do in Provo Canyon. I'm not really outdoorsy at all, so even though I've lived in Provo my whole life, it's taken me all this time to gradually discover the different places to go and things to do. For example, today I went shooting at a range tucked away in the canyon. I know people go hiking in different places. People also go rappelling, and then there's the classic idea of just finding different parks to have a picnic or bonfire at. Art for this story could be really diverse--find examples of people doing these different things. I could include a sidebar summarizing the points and places. I could also have a map with the different locations and directions on how to get there.

    I also thought I could do a seasonal article on how to tastefully decorate your apartment for the holidays--whether that be through crafts, floral arrangements, pictures or whatever. Art for this could include photos, especially step-by-step photos and photos of finished projects.

    I also think Center Street is a great way for people to experience diversity (through food) in the allegedly all-white Provo. I was thinking I could do a piece on how to experience cultures of the world in one street. Sure, some of them might be imitation food, but it all contributes to a diverse selection of foods and introduces people who might not know anything about a different culture to an important part of it. For art I could try and take photos if possible, and also include a map of the street highlighting any spots I talk about.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 1) The five best ice creams in Provo. I don't know if this would work since it basically would be chain restaurants plus Sammy's pie shakes.
    2) An official guide to inside the NuSkin building. I don't know if there's anything interesting because I've never been inside.
    3) Are the Provo City Power towers really a secret facility for the CIA? I wouldn't know because I've never tried to look inside. Except it probably is really just boring energy stuff, but you never know.
